Monday, March 2, 2009


Most people deny they snore and if they admit claim it doesn't bother them, but in some cases snoring can cause health problems.
What causes it?
The noise of snoring is caused by parts of the nose and throat - in particular, the soft palate - vibrating as you breathe in and out. At night, the muscles that help keep your airways open relax and become floppy. This causes the airways to narrow and vibrate more, making snoring more likely.
What's the treatment?
The following can help reduce the chances of you snoring:
  • Avoid drinking alcohol late at night
  • Maintain your ideal weight
  • Raise the head of the bed
  • Sleep on your side (to stop you rolling on to your back, sew a ball in the back of your pyjama top or wedge a pillow under your back)
  • Keep your nasal passages clear by using a humidifier, inhaling steam or rubbing a few drops of eucalyptus or olbas oil on your pillowcase (antihistamine tablets and/or anti-inflammatory nasal sprays may help; always check with the pharmacist that they're suitable for you, especially if you're taking other medicines)

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